Friday, April 3, 2009

Such a garden of fealings.

For my first entry?! Well, I am a big mouthed, big girl, widowed mother of 7 kids. I have a licensed home daycare. I work in the monessori style. I think children should have fun. Period. I homeschooled my kids untill 2007. They go to public school now for way to may reason's to name.
I have no intentions of ever getting re married. If it did happen. He would have to be able to deal with me being set in my ways. I do not expect anyone to raise my children. He would have to meet so many rules that It probably will not ever happen.

I am for the most part pegan. My husband was non practicing Catholic. My kids well so far I have one married mormon. She chose this faith becouse of her husband and his family. My secound daughter is wiccan. My son is well dose not care about faith. My 12 year old daughter calls herself pegan but realy I beleave is to young to know for sure. The rest are for sure to young to know. My youngest is only 5 (2009)

So, why am I a widow at 41? Well, the love of my life since I was 15 died of lung cancer. YES, from smocking. He died all of a sudden from a bleed in his lung. We only knew he had cancer for 5 months. He was only 49 years old.

Will this blog be anything but a diary for a 4o something opinionated fat chick? NAAA but then, it is all about MEEEEE:):):)